So between the Doc 2 trailer and my last news post I had a couple contests running.
I am late announcing this, and I apologize to the winners.
Congrats to @Aeon-n for winning my game server giveaway contest.
Aeon is a cool gamer with a great vision for a Minecraft server, and I can't wait to see what they do with it.
Congrats to @Magotrap for choosing the winning name "Boreale" for Doc's new companion.
Last but not least congrats to all the individuals that took me up on Gift 1 and Gift 2 also in my last news post.
If you chose Gift 2 and still haven't heard from me, do not worry I will get to you!
With all that out of the way here's a few updates from Cringeland
-Doc 2 is still set for this Fall as noted in the trailer, but more than likely it will be late Fall.
-The next edition of Muzika is coming, I need more tracks and do not have the time atm to dedicate to scouting.
If you are a musician or know an indie musician that would like your/their music featured in Muzika 2 and the mobile version of Muzika please contact me here on Newgrounds or Twitter.
-A new website is in the works that will be a big part of the Cringe ARG. If you want to partake in that insanity, I suggest following @BananaBone as he will be handing out the first set of keys. Big thanks to BananaBone for being a good sport and continuing the game.
-Finally a huge thanks to @DeezNutterButterz & @Rixetog for taking free art requests and creating some amazing illustrations of the KingCringe skull in their own awesome art styles.
These pieces were promoted through my Twitter, and will also be used in a later project.
If you're an artist that takes requests, I invite you to do an illustration as well. You will receive free promotion, and a credit in future project(s) that use the artwork which will also be promotion.
Thanks for reading folks. I love you all, except Albert...he knows what he did.
Oh wow, didn't expect to win this one. Three cheers to Boreale the Monkey!